Cately Dress

Cately Dress

11:22 AM

Here is Knit day #3!!

The Cately Dress, available in my pattern shop (tab2) and Etsy store.  Thanks so much!!  I LOVE this DRESS!!! and the cute thing wearing it a whole lot more!!!!!.  

Oh and just fyi, the poor little thing got too much sun yesterday.  So her little shoulders are a little burnt :(  She now is armed with sunscreen for this year on.  

This knit dress was so much fun to make.  The pattern takes you through a simple process of each step so it comes together pretty quickly and the finished result is AMAZING!  I seriously will probably make like a hundred more of this cute little dress in like every color that is imaginable.  Wouldn't this be perfect for the 4th of July?

And, look how great it looks in action, lol.

Thank you so much for letting me share!  You all have a great day and stay tuned for more knits.  

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